Terra Antarctica
2009 FILM
The Antarctic affects all our lives through forces so deep and elemental that we’re not even aware of them. More than two decades ago scientists prophesied that one of the first signs of human-influenced climate change would be the collapse of the Antarctic Peninsula’s ice sheets. This is exactly what is happening today.
n March 2002 scientists watched the 500-billion-ton Larsen-B Ice Shelf shatter into thousands of tiny icebergs before their eyes. One year ago a 160-mile-square section broke off the Wilkins Ice Shelf. The dramatic changes suggest it’s possible the rest of the Peninsula’s ice may deteriorate soon.
For three months, from November 2007 into February 2008 we explored the Antarctic Peninsula by sea kayak, sailboat, foot and small plane. It was a great adventure and what we discovered was revealing about the planet as a whole: Nations fighting over who owns what as the Peninsula’s ice slowly disappears; annual rains threatening penguin chicks; tourist boats running aground and sinking; all set among a spectacular, one-of-a-kind corner of our planet.
Antarctica has long been a draw to adventurers, going back to the early navigators who came upon ghostly icebergs floating out of the southern reaches and wondered where they came from. It wasn’t until 1773 that Captain James Cook was the first to cross the Antarctic Circle, but he never saw the continent.
Today, as the planet warms, Antarctica is changing, and changing fast. Our two films about the seventh continent are mean to elicit both curiosity and concern. Our hope is that as we keep going back down south and returning with eyewitness accounts of the change, especially along Antarctica’s edges, it will help keep focus that needs and deserves attention.

Terra Antarctica: Rediscovering the Seventh Continent
Produced, Written and Directed by Jon Bowermaster
Executive Producers Mark Terk and Dawn Porter
Videography by John Armstrong
Edited by Beth Spiegel
Original Score by Alice Nicholas Wood
Produced, Written and Directed by Jon Bowermaster
Executive Producers Mark Terk and Dawn Porter
Videography by John Armstrong
Edited by Beth Spiegel
Original Score by Alice Nicholas Wood